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The Australian Resilience Centre undertakes research on resilience, adaptation and transformation.  


We collaborate widely on research design and support researchers to develop and implement communication and engagement strategies.


We work with research institutions, Universities, Research & Development Corporations,  government agencies and non-government organisations

 throughout Australia and globally.

Our research interests include resilience theory and practice, adaptive governance, adaptive management, climate adaptation, transformation and community change.















Selected Publications



Schaal T., Mitchell M., Scheele B., Ryan P. & Hanspach J. (2023) Using the three horizons approach to explore pathways towards positive futures for agricultural landscapes with rich biodiversity. Sustainability Science

Sitas N, Ryan, P.,  Schultz L. (2021) Systems Scoping. In: The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological System (Eds Biggs R., de Vos A., Pressier R., Clements H., Macieejewksi K. & Schluter M)., Routledge.

Enfors-Kautsky, E., L. Järnberg, A. Quinlan, and P. Ryan. 2021. Wayfinder: a new generation of resilience practice. Ecology and Society 26(2):39.

Fazey I., et al. (2020) Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there. Energy Research & Social Science, 70. 

Enfors-Kautsky E., Järnberg L., Quinlan A. and Ryan P. ( 2018). Wayfinder: a resilience guide for navigating towards sustainable futures. GRAID program, Stockholm Resilience Center.

Prober S., Colloff M., Abel, N., Crimp S., Doherty M., Dunlop M., Eldridge D., Gorddard R., Lavorel S., Metcalfe D., Murphy H., Ryan P. & Williams K. (2017). Informing climate adaptation pathways in multi-use woodland landscapes using the values-rules-knowledge framework. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 241. 39-53. 


Dunlop M., and P. Ryan (2016) Climate-ready biodiversity management: a tool to help design biodiversity projects in the face of climate change. CSIRO.


Abel N., Wise R., Colloff M., Walker B., Butler J., Ryan P., Norman C., Langston A., Anderies J., Gorddard R., Dunlop M., O’Connell D. (2016). Building resilient pathways to transformation when "no one is in charge": insights from Australia's Murray-Darling Basin. Ecology and Society. 21. 23. 10.5751/ES-08422-210223. 


Dunlop, Michael; Parris, Hannah; Ryan, Paul; Kroon, Frederieke. Climate-ready conservation objectives: a scoping study. Gold Coast: NCCARF; 2013. csiro:EP133160.


Sellberg, M., Ryan, P., Borgström, S., Norström, A., and Peterson, G. 2018. From resilience thinking to Resilience Planning: Lessons from practice. Journal of Environmental Management 217: 906-918.

Janssen, M. A., Ö. Bodin, J. M. Anderies, T. Elmqvist, H. Ernstson, R. R. J. McAllister, P. Olsson, and P. Ryan. 2006. A network perspective on the resilience of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 11(1): 15.


Walkerden G., Ryan P., Griffith R. and Robinson S. (2013)Exploring transformation for resilient Australian landscapes and communities. pp 182-90. Proceedings of the Transformation in a Changing Climate Conference, Oslo. University of Oslo, Norway.


Dunlop M., Parris H., Ryan P. and Kroon F. (2013) Climate-ready conservation objectives: a scoping study. Contributing to a Sustainable Future for Australia’s Biodiversity under Climate Change: Conservation Goals for Dynamic Management of Ecosystems. CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship.


Mitchell M., Griffith R., Ryan P., Walkerden G., Walker B. and Brown V. (2013) Applying resilience thinking to natural resource management through a ‘planning-by-doing’ framework. Society and Natural Resources.


Plant R. and Ryan P. (2012) Ecosystem services as a practicable concept for natural resource management: some lessons from Australia. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 9.


Griffith R., Ryan P., Mitchell M., Walkerden G. and Robinson S. (2012) Transformation for Resilient Landscapes and Communities. Taking Transformative Action in the NSW Murray Catchment Region. Report to Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.


Ryan P.A. (2009) Biodiversity in the Landscape. Final Report to Meat and Livestock Australia.


Walker B.H, Abel N., Anderies J.M. and Ryan P. (2009) Resilience, adaptability, and transformability in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia. Ecology and Society 14, 1-12.


Gibbons P. and Ryan P. (2008) A conservation value index for the Box-Gum Grassy Woodland Stewardship Program.  A Report to the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.  Australian National University and CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra.


Anderies M., Ryan P., Walker B. and Abel N. (2006) Crisis, loss of resilience and institutional change: a case study from south-eastern Australia. Ecosystems 9, 865-878.


Gibbons P., Zerger A., Jones S. and Ryan P (2006) Mapping vegetation condition in the context of biodiversity conservation. Ecological Management and Restoration 7, 1-2.


Walker B.H., Anderies J.M, Kinzig A.P. and Ryan P.A. (2006). Exploring resilience in social-ecological systems. Comparative studies and theory development. CSIRO Publishing.


Olsson P., Gunderson L.H., Carpenter S.H., Ryan P.A., Lebel L., Folke C., and Holling C.S. (2006) Shooting the rapids: navigating transitions to adaptive governance of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 11: 18.


Kinzig A.P., Ryan P.A, Etienne M., Allison H., Elmqvist T and Walker B.H. (2006) Resilience and regime shifts: assessing cascading effects. Ecology and Society 11: 20.


Abel N., Cork S., Goddard R., Langridge J., Langston A., Plant R., Proctor W., Ryan P., Shelton D., Walker B. and Yialeloglou M. (2003) Natural Values: Exploring options for enhancing ecosystem services in the Goulburn Broken Catchment. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra.


Bennett A., Kimber S. and Ryan P. (2000) Revegetation and Wildlife: A guide to enhancing revegetated habitats for wildlife conservation in rural environments. Research Report 2/00. Bushcare – National Projects Research and Development Program.


Ryan P. (2000) Goulburn Broken Native Vegetation Plan, Volume 2: Native Vegetation Retention Controls – Regional Guidelines for the Goulburn Broken Catchment. Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, Shepparton.


Ryan P.A. (1999) The use of revegetated areas by vertebrate fauna in Australia: A review. In: Temperate Eucalypt Woodlands in Australia: Biology, Conservation, Management and Restoration (eds R. J. Hobbs and C. J. Yates), pp. 318-35. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.

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